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Transcribed Wills and Related Documents

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Will & Inventory of Robert LITTLEPAGE of Kingston Blount

Will 23 Dec 1679   Probate 12 May 1680

Source: OHC no. W.Comm.I. 91.217; 42/1/27
Contributed by: Peter White Go to Translation Go to Transcript
... I Robert Littlepage of Kingston blunt ... Aston Rowant ... gent ... sick in body ...

NameRelationship[Comments] or Major Bequests
Robert LITTLEPAGE Kingston Blount
Anne LITTLEPAGEWife (Exec)
Robert LITTLEPAGEEldest Son[under 21]
William LITTLEPAGESon[under 21]
William GRAVETGrandfather Overseer
Richard GRAVETFather-in-law Overseer
Richard CHITCHOverseerKingston
Richard BELSONAppraiser
Andrew QUATERMANEAppraiser
Thomas THONES?Witness
Robeart WITNEYWitness
Anne GRAVETWitness
William GOLDFINCHWitness

Inventory taken 21 Feb 1679/80, value: £111 (see Note)
Exhibited: 12 May 1680 by Anne, relict and sole Executrix
Probate: 12 May 1680 ... Anne, relict and sole Executrix.
Transcriber's and Editor's Notes
A full Inventory is included. No total is given, but it adds up to about £111.
The following details are believed to be true but should not be totally relied upon:
Testator: Husband of Anne (1684 qv).
  Translated and paragraphed.
with some of the standard preamble and "legalese" removed.
Go to Glossary
... I Robert Littlepage of Kingston blunt ... Aston Rowant ... gent ... sick in body ...
  • I give £5 to the poor of Kingston Blount, to be paid at the discretion of my Executrix.
  • I give £20 to my eldest son Robert Littlepage, to be paid at age 21.
  • I give£500 to my son William Littlepage, to be paid at age 21.
  • I give 5s each to my five godchildren.
  • If my wife Anne is pregnant at the time of my decease I give all my woods and woodgrounds called Prior Hill and Crooks Coppice, with all my hedgerows and waste etc in Kingston Blount, to the child, whether male or female, and its heirs forever.
    But if my son Robert or his heirs etc will pay £200 to the child at age 21, that legacy is to be void.
  • To enable my wife Anne to pay my debts and legacies more easily, I give her all my lands, tenements, tithes, woods, woodgrounds and other hereditaments, to enjoy them with all their profits until my son Robert reaches 21.
  • I give all the rest of my estate, goods, household stuff, catells and chattels to my dear and loving wife Anne, whom I appoint sole Executrix, she paying my debts, legacies and funeral expenses.
  • I appoint my grandfather William Gravet, my father-in-law Richard Gravet and my loving friend Richard Chitch of Kingston as overseers, and give them 2s 6d each for thei pains ... revoking all former wills ...

  • Witnesses Thomas Thones?; Robeart Witney; Anne X Gravet; William Goldfinch

An Inventory ... of the goods of Robert Littlepage of Kingston Blunt ... Aston Rowant ... yeoman ...

Inventory taken 21 Feb 1679/80 by Richard Belson; Andrew Quatermane
Inventory value: £111 (see Note)
Exhibited: 12 May 1680 by Anne, relict and sole Executrix
Probate: 12 May 1680 ... Anne, relict and sole Executrix.
  As transcribed from a copy of the original document.
Original line- and page-breaks are preserved as far as possible.
In the name of God Amen I Robert Littlepage of Kingston blunt
in the parish of Aston Rowant in the County of Oxon Gent' being sick in Body
but of perfect Memory (thankes be to God) Doe make & ordaine this my present
Testament Containing herein my last will in manner & forme following That
is to say, ffirst I humbly committ my soule unto the God of my salvation of
whose gracious acceptance I have Confidence in & through the merrits of Jesus
Christ my blessed Redeemer And my Body I com'itt to the earth whereof it came
to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named expecting
a joyfull Resurrection to eternall life in that great day of Christ when all flesh shall
appeare before his glorious Tribunall, And as concerning such my worldly estate
which God of his gracious bounty hath lent me, I order give and dispose the same
as followeth, viz: I give & bequeath unto the poore of Kingston blunt aforesaid
the sum' of ffive pounds to be paid unto them at the discretion of my Executrix
Item I give and bequeath unto my eldest sonne Robert Littlepage the sum' of Twenty
pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto him by my Executrix at the time
when he shall accomplish & be of the age of one & twenty yeares, Item I give &
bequeath unto my sonne William Littlepage the sum' of ffive hundred pounds of
Lawfull money of England to be paid unto him by my Executrix at his accomplishment
of the age of one & twenty yeares, Item I give & bequeath unto my five
Godchildren five shillings appeice, Item in Case That Anne my wife shalbe
with Child at the time of my decease Then I doe hereby give & bequeath unto the
same Child, whether Male or female, and unto the heires of the same Child for ever
All those my woods & woodgrounds, called Prior Hill & Crooks Coppice with all my
hedgerowes & waste sett & being within the liberty of Kingston blunt aforesaid with
their appurtenances, Provided allwaies that if my sonne Robert his heires or Assignes
doe pay or cause to be paid unto the same child the sum' of Two hundred pounds of
Lawfull English money at such time when the same posthumo' child shall attaine
and be of the age of one & twenty yeares That then my said Legacy of Woods &
woodgrounds unto the same child as aforesaid shalbe void & of none effect
Item to the end intent & purpose that Anne my Wife shalbe the better enabled
to pay my Debts & legacies, I doe therefore order give & appoint unto my said
wife Anne her executors & asssignes all my Lands, Tenements, Tythes, Woods, woodgrounds
and all other my hereditaments whatsoever, with their appurtenances, To have hold
possesse & enjoy the same with all the profitts thereof unto my said wife & her assigns
from time to time & at all times from & after my decease untill my sonne Robert
shall attaine & be of the age of one & twentie yeares, All the rest of my
Estate goods houshold stuffe catells and chattells whatsoever I give and
bequeath unto my deare and loving wife Anne, And I ordaine & appoint the same
Anne my Wife to be sole Executrix of this my will to pay my debts & legacies & to discharge
my funerall expences, And I entreat & appoint my grandfather William Gravet together
with my father in Law Richard Gravet & my Loving friend Richard Chitch of Kingston
to be overseeres of this my will to se to the due Execution of the same, for & towards whose
care & paynes herein to be taken I give unto them halfe a crown appeece, So Revoking
all former wills & bequests by me at any time heretofore made or declared, I doe
acknowledge these presents to be my very true & last Will & Testament, And in
Testimony thereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale Dated this three & twentieth
day of December in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred seaventy & nine.

Signed sealed & published
in the presence of

Thomas Thones?
Robeart Witney                                                  Robert Littlepage
Anne Gravet X her mark / Will'm Goldfinch

Probat' &c 12'o die Maij 1680 Cor' ...........
............................................................. Jur'to
Annae R'lic' et Ex'tricis unic' Cui Com'issa fuit ....

A true & perfect Inventory of all the Goods Chattells & Cattells of Robert Littlepage
of Kingston Blunt in the parrish of Aston Rowant in the County of Oxon yeom' late
deceased valued & prized by us whose names are under written ffebruary 21'th 1679:
  li   s  d
Imp'mis his wearing Apparrell & money in his purse05 00 00
It' In the Hall one Table a Cupboord w'th other furniture in the same roome00 15 00
It' In the Parlour one Table a Cupboard & other houshold goods in that roome01 06 08
It' In the Chamber over the Parlour a Bedstead w'th its furniture a Silver bowle two
   silver spoones, half a dozen of Chaires w'th other houshold stuffe in that room10 00 00
It' in the Chamber over the Hall two Bedsteads w'th their furniture two Chests a hanging
   presse Eight pair of sheetes w'th other linnen & other goods belonging to that roome09 00 00
It' in the Chamber over the Kitchin two bedsteads w'th their furniture with all other
   goods belonging to that roome04 00 00
It' In the Kitchin, Brasse, Pewter, fire Irons, a Table & other lumber in that roome05 00 00
It' In the Celler & Milkhowse the Barrells Brewing Vessel & other goods in those roomes 01 00 00
It' three halfe acres of wheate one the ground & a parcell of pease in the straw03 00 00
It' In the Malthouse, In Malt & in Barly w'th all the Malting implem'ts45 00 00
It' An horse a Cow, Three piggs w'th the soyle in the Yards10 00 00
It' Hay, Wood, & powltry02 06 00

Richard Belson
Andrew Quatermane

Exhibit' &c 12'o Maij A'o D'ni
1680 p[er] Anne R'l'cam et Ex'tricem unic'
&c p[ro] vero &c ...............................